President Donald Trump Full Speech at 2022 CPAC
45th President of the USA, Donald J. Trump speaks at the 2022 CPAC convention in Orlando, Florida on February 26. Watch President Trump’s full speech below. Trump speech 2022 CPAC
45th President of the USA, Donald J. Trump speaks at the 2022 CPAC convention in Orlando, Florida on February 26. Watch President Trump’s full speech below. Trump speech 2022 CPAC
Watch R&B singer Erykah Badu in her controversial official music video for the song “Window Seat”. Erykah strips naked at the JFK Landmark “Dealey Plaza” where he got assassinated in 1963. It’s a protest about liberating yourself. Watch the Official Music Video for Window Seat by Erykah Badu at Dealey Plaza iViewTube News Report
The People’s Convoy went from California to Washington DC to peacefully protest vaccine mandates and freedom. Claire Dooley documented and filmed the freedom convoy which consisted of thousands of truckers. Watch the documentary “Between Peace And War” by Claire Dooley below! Please visit: Watch Between Peace And War: A Film By Claire Dooley #truckerconvoy…
Previously published by NY Post: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sounded like every mob boss, enforcer and shakedown artist in history: Nice paper you got there, New York Post. ( Twitter Blackmail Operation ). Shame, should something happen to it. He knows full well media outlets depend on social media, and Google search algorithms, to help…
Rocco’s Pasticceria & Cafe held a walkout brunch to show support for medical freedom, specifically for the NO Vaccine Mandate. The tyrannical NYC government as well as the federal gov is showing their true radical colors. By implementing the unconstitutional vax mandate, it is obvious our country’s corrupt admin wants socialist ideology. However, the American people…
Watch The Delicious Dish SNL Skit “Schweddy Balls” with Alec Baldwin as Pete Schweddy, Ana Gasteyer as Margaret Jo McCullen and Molly Shannon as Teri Rialto. This is the classic Saturday Night Live video. Watch: Schweddy Balls Video with Alec Baldwin on The Delicious Dish, SNL Skit iViewTube News Report and entertainment!
Blatant foreign interference by former head of the IT department of Leonardo SpA Arturo D’Elia admits to stealing the 2020 Presidential election via Leonardo’s Satellites in a sworn affidavit. Maria Zack says Italy Did It #italydidit #StopTheSteal Watch “Italy Did It” Video Below More in depth video analysis of how Italy did it including other high profile…