Watch War Room LIVE with Steve Bannon
Watch War Room LIVE with Steve Bannon at 10am et. & 5pm et. Mon – Fri and Sat at 10am et.
Watch War Room LIVE with Steve Bannon
#SteveBannon #WarRoomLive #WarRoom
Watch War Room LIVE with Steve Bannon at 10am et. & 5pm et. Mon – Fri and Sat at 10am et.
#SteveBannon #WarRoomLive #WarRoom
The People’s Convoy went from California to Washington DC to peacefully protest vaccine mandates and freedom. Claire Dooley documented and filmed the freedom convoy which consisted of thousands of truckers. Watch the documentary “Between Peace And War” by Claire Dooley below! Please visit: Watch Between Peace And War: A Film By Claire Dooley #truckerconvoy…
Watch R&B singer Erykah Badu in her controversial official music video for the song “Window Seat”. Erykah strips naked at the JFK Landmark “Dealey Plaza” where he got assassinated in 1963. It’s a protest about liberating yourself. Watch the Official Music Video for Window Seat by Erykah Badu at Dealey Plaza iViewTube News Report
Democratic member of the Michigan House of Representatives, Cynthia A. Johnson threatens Trump supporters in a self made psychotic video. C. A. Johnson was also at the Michigan legislator election fraud hearings belittling witnesses and sounding incoherent during her questioning. Below is the video where Cynthia Johnson Threatens Trump Supporters. Watch VIDEO: Michigan Rep Cynthia A….
Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon on Late Night performing a duet called “A History of Rap” live down to the Roots. Watch Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake Live Performance of “A History of Rap”
The China website GTV has started to release Hunter Biden sex tapes from his laptop. Word on the street is, GTV will be releasing Hunter’s videos every hour, and the videos will get worse. Hunter Biden is the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. Watch the first video here! iViewTube News Report
Devastating news for Joe Biden regarding his son Hunter, which exposes him and his Dad with serious Ukraine corruption. Joe Biden has been asked if he knew about his son’s involvement with the corrupt Ukraine natural gas company Burisma, in which he has denied. But, newly released emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop suggest otherwise. Read…
What happens if we send our troops and we engage in combat it’s going to be a war between United States and Russia then what happens when China invades Taiwan we going to be able to handle two superpowers at the same time after just giving up $80 billion of our most so sophisticated equipment. Don’t forget about North Korea I think we better watch the back door Korea sees and Opportunity to flex a little bit of muscle.
What you have written is super.