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Here’s the Devastating Video, “Quid Pro Quo Joe”

VP Joe Biden brags about getting the Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired because he was going after Burisma Holdings, A Natural Gas Company. The Big Guy's son Hunter Biden was on Burisma's board at the time when Joe made this blatant quid pro quo. We all call it “Quid Pro Quo Joe”.

Walkout Brunch, No Vaccine Mandate at Rocco’s Pasticceria & Cafe in Brooklyn NY.

Rocco's Walkout Brunch, No Vaccine Mandate!, Joy Supports NO Vax Mandates! iViewTube News Report

Joy Supports NO Vax Mandates while sporting “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” t-shirt at Rocco’s in Brooklyn NY.

Mike Lindell’s New Documentary “Scientific Proof” Exposes More Election Fraud

Scientific Proof by Mike Lindell - iViewTube News Report

Video: Watch Mike Lindell’s new documentary called “Scientific Proof” featuring cyber, algorithm expert Dr Douglas G Frank. iViewTube News Report

MUST Watch Video: President Trump’s Lawyer Destroys Media!

Trump Lawyer Destroys Media! iViewTube News Report

Video: President Trump’s Lawyer Michael van der Veen absolutely destroys the media during an interview after impeachment trial and acquittal of Donald J. Trump. iViewTube News Report

Uncovered Truth About The 2020 Election?

Italy Did It! Arturo D’Elia Admits to Stealing 2020 Presidential Election

Maria Zack Italy did it! Arturo D'Elia Admits to stealing 2020 presidential election - iViewTube News Report

Watch Italy Did It Video: Arturo D’Elia admits to stealing the 2020 Presidential election via Leonardo Satellites in a sworn affidavit. Maria Zack says Italy Did It! #italydidit iViewTube News Report #StopTheSteal

VIDEO: Michigan Rep Cynthia A. Johnson Threatens Trump Supporters

Cynthia Johnson Threatens Trump Supporters (Video) - iViewTube News Report

Watch Video: Democratic member of the Michigan House of Representatives, Cynthia A. Johnson threatens Trump supporters in a self made psychotic video. C. A. Johnson was also at the Michigan legislator election fraud hearings belittling witnesses. Furthermore, she was sounding incoherent during her questioning. iViewTube News Report


Watch the video Here!
President Donald Trump’s legal team lead by Rudy Giuliani, along with Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis lay out there case for election fraud during the 2020 presidential election. Fraudulent ballots and Dominion Voter Systems software are the main culprits of election fraud. iViewTube News Report

Sidney Powell, BOOM “I Will Release The KRAKEN”

Sidney Powell Says "I Will Release The KRAKEN" - iViewTube News Report

Watch Video: Lou Dobbs interviews former federal prosecutor and now Trump attorney Sidney Powell, she said “I Will Release The KRAKEN”. She made the statement regarding to all involved in the 2020 presidential election voter fraud by Dominion Software. Join our Patriotic Community Forum iViewTube News Report

Clarence Thomas Revenge on Joe Biden! Conservative News Report

Video courtesy of CrowderBits. iViewTube News Report – Conservative News.

Election Fraud!

Woman filling in Blank Ballots - Election Fraud - iViewTube News Report

Watch the Video! During the 2020 presidential election between President Trump and Joe Biden, an overhead video camera captures a woman possibly committing voter fraud! She is caught filling in blank ballots with assistance from a co-worker during the mail-in counting process. iViewTube News Report – Conservative News

Tucker Carlson Interviews Tony Bobulinski about Hunter and Joe Biden China and Ukraine Business Deals

Tucker Carlson Interviews Tony Bobulinski - iViewTube News Report

Watch Videos: Former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski is interviewed by Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night. Bobulinski says Joe Biden blatantly lied To the American people during the presidential debate when president Trump asked Joe about knowing about his son’s Burisma, business deals in the Ukraine. iViewTube News Report

Twitter Blackmail Operation

Twitter Blackmail Operation - iViewTube News Report

NY Post: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sounded like every mob boss, enforcer and shakedown artist in history: Nice paper you got there, New York Post. ( Twitter Blackmail Operation ). Shame, should something happen to it. He knows full well media outlets depend on social media, and Google search algorithms, to help readers access our reporting. Watch Senator Ted Cruz question Jack Dorsey. iViewTube News Report

BREAKING: Hunter Biden Sex Tapes Being Released by China’s GTV

Hunter Biden Sex Tapes - iViewTube News Report

BREAKING: The China website GTV has started to release Hunter Biden sex tapes from his laptop. Word on the street is, GTV will be releasing Hunter’s videos every hour, and the videos will get worse. Hunter Biden is the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. iViewTube News Report

More News Stories

VIDEO: Whistleblower, Tony Bobulinski speaks at a press conference and lands a big blow against Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Bobulinski has proof of China corruption and money laundering against ex business associate Hunter Biden and his dad, former vise president Joe Biden. iViewTube News Report

VIDEO: On Tuesday morning Rudy Giuliani spoke to Steve Bannon on “The War Room” and said he will Drop a Major Bomb On Biden Crime Family, Wednesday on Maria Bartiromo. This could either be a major blow to Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign or  a dud from former NYC Mayor, Rudy Giuliani. iViewTube News Report

VIDEO: Monday 10/19/20 President Donald Trump is holding a huge campaign rally in Prescott Arizona while Joe Biden called a lid. During the rally, Trump was speaking about the pandemic, while mentioning the fake news, he said “CNN, you Dumb Bastards“. The comment drew tremendous applause from the massive crowd. iViewTube News Report

Video: Watch our friend Alex Jones from break down the bombshell news regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop. The laptop contains thousands of incriminating emails as well as extremely obscene pictures and videos of Hunter Biden raping and torturing underage Chinese girls in China blackmail scheme. iViewTube News Report

VIDEO: Why was NBC’s Savannah Guthrie pressing president Trump about the QAnon theory during the recent town hall in Miami? Guthrie went on to ask Trump about QAnon. Asking, “that Democrats are a satanic pedophile ring and that you are the savior of that. Now can you just once and for all state that is completely not true and disavow QAnon in its entirety?”. Trump responded, “I know nothing about QAnon”. iViewTube News Report


BOMBSHELL: Devastating news for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign regarding his son Hunter, which exposes him and his Dad with serious Ukraine corruption. Joe Biden has been asked if he knew about his son’s involvement with the corrupt Ukraine natural gas company Burisma, in which he has denied. But, newly released emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop computer suggest otherwise! iViewTube News Report

VIDEO:Joe Biden was the author of the 1994 crime bill which targeted and hurt black communities, contributing to mass black and hispanic incarcerations. Now Joe Biden insults black people by saying, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black“.  Joe Biden is the Real Racist!

VIDEO: Independent Hollywood film producer John Paul Rice exposes the truth and reality about hollywoods dark secret, human and child sex trafficking ring, torture and abuse of children.

VIDEO: Kimberly Klacik’s Campaign Ad, telling the truth about the disastrous Democratic run city of Baltimore and how Black Lives Don’t Matter To Democrats.

VIDEO: Glenn Beck interviews Dr. Simone Gold on his podcast show, Dr. Gold exposes the truth about the wonder drug Hydroxychloroquine on iViewTube Video News Report.

VIDEO: America’s Frontline Doctors Speak the Truth about COVID-19 and Hydroxychloroquine.

iViewTube News Report offers the latest conservative news in politics! We fully support The Constitution of The United States of America and the 1st Amendment!

The 2020 United States of America Presidential Election Was a Total Scam!

Politics has become very polarizing with the failed Trump impeachments, Russia, Russia, Russia hoax and “Quid Pro Quo Joe”. Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on anything and the entertainment world also has its own share of drama and chaos. Music is always evolving and that’s why we need to keep up with the latest music industry news! Get tour dates, album releases and videos from your favorite artists!




iViewTube news report offers the latest breaking conservative news in politics as well as music and entertainment to keep you in the daily loop.

The site was first created back in 2008 as a video sharing site but then closed soon after. is back now as iViewTube News Report to give you the most honest conservative news in politics, anywhere on the web.