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Profile: marcadisati

Last seen:
Seen 3 years ago
Member Since:
September 10, 2021
Biographical Info:

<p>Marca Disati, established in 2016, intends to dress young people who are engaged with their environment, living in the community and relating to each other. The youth with a casual dress sense, shun stereotypes and want to feel good in whatever they are wearing.</p>
<p>To meet their needs, Marca Disati takes the latest international trends, mixing them with the influences that are seen on the street and in the most fashionable clubs, and reworks them according to their style, turning them into comfortable and easy to wear garments.</p>
<p>We believe in a world where you have total freedom to be you, without judgement. To experiment. To express yourself. To be brave and grab life as the extraordinary adventure it is. So we make sure everyone has an equal chance to discover all the amazing things they’re capable of – no matter who they are, where they are from or what looks they are like. We exist to give you the confidence to be whoever you want to be.<br /><br />See our gorgeous <a title="trousers" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">trousers</a></p>
<p> </p>

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